|Ticket, Hotel & Tour|Ticket, Hotel & Tour

Version 9.0.2
Install +4 M
Category Travel & Local
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2024 August 3|Ticket, Hotel & Tour|Ticket, Hotel & Tour

Alibaba Travel agency
Version 9.0.2
Install +4 M
Category Travel & Local
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2024 August 3
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More Info

Get the most advanced and practical travel app. Alibaba , the leading platform for online booking of flight, train ticket and bus has predicted all your needs to have an ideal travel including flight ticket , train ticket , bus ticket and online booking of hotel and has given its full measure to meet them professionally. With Alibaba travel app, you have train and flight tickets as well as hotel vouchers at your fingertips. Alibaba's support team, a group of 200 dedicated experts will offer you a round the clock support.

On Alibaba’s app, you are provided with a 100% coverage of flight and train tickets and bus tickets and all hotels of Iran.


* Booking bus and train and local and international flight tickets

* Booking all hotels around the country (more than 1000 hotels)

* Online payment in Rials using any kind of credit cards

* Offering round the clock support service

* Providing price calendar for finding the lowest price

* Online refunding of train and flight and bus tickets

* Online refunding of booked hotels

* Managing and reporting transactions

* Managing list of previous passengers

* Providing access to history of purchased tickets

* Providing access to history of booked hotels

* Payment with credit cards or your account credit

* Sending ticket information to your Email and mobile phone

* Adding reminder and ticket information to your calendar

* Sorting and filtering the result of ticket and hotel search

* Comparing information of selected flight tickets

* Comparing information of selected hotels

User Reviews - 52,682 Rates
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