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Category Social
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2021 May 22
PAT Messaging Service

PAT Messaging Service

Institute of Agricultural Education and Extension
Version 2.0.2
Install +5 K
Category Social
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2021 May 22
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More Info

The Ministry of Agriculture Messaging System (PAT) has the following capabilities to facilitate and expedite communication between staff, servants and farmers of the Ministry of Agriculture and related organizations and sub-organizations throughout the country:

  • Ability to register users
  • Possibility of checking (confirming or rejecting the request) registration of users by the head of the relevant center

  • Ability to send and receive messages at different organizational levels
  • Ability to archive, reply, forward and delete incoming and outgoing messages
  • Ability to view, restore and permanently delete archived messages
  • Ability to select contacts list in either organizational tree navigation and direct user search ing
  • Ability to send or receive message attachments in different formats
  • Supports different emojis in message text
  • Supports multi-line message without character restriction
  • Ability to set whether or not to receive notification as soon as new message is received
  • Ability to free up memory space occupied by attachments downloaded in the settings section
  • Get notified about how many times the sent messages have been read (unique)
  • Ability to change or reset password and edit profile and adjust avatar

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3.5 from 5
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سلام علیکم...خیلی مهمه در تمام ابعاد زندگی یعنی رضایت خداوند عزیز که بتوانیم جهت خدمت به هم وطنان گرامی خداوند عزیز را خوشحال کنم ان شاءالله به تمام آ آرزوهای خوب دلهامان برسیم زندگی یعنی رضایت خداوند متعال خیلی مهمه رضایت خداوند
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