Santoor 2015 free-demo

Santoor 2015 free-demo

Version 2.0.2
Install +20 K
Category Music & Audio
Size 6 MB
Last Update 2015 August 13
Santoor 2015 free-demo

Santoor 2015 free-demo

mehdi nasiri fard
Version 2.0.2
Install +20 K
Category Music & Audio
Size 6 MB
Last Update 2015 August 13
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----Software dulcimer 2015 ----

* A software dulcimer playing quite special feature for users *

To purchase the original version, you can visit

This application can be for all people, especially students Santoor, highly efficient and educational, and even can serve as an educational software

The software supplied with the following functionality to users:

1-dulcimer playing with a choice of different tunings

2- The multi-touch capabilities (dual touch)

3-marker notes in real possibility of setting display or non-display sheet music in settings that can be seen in the picture above

4-track recording capabilities storage played songs

* An important part of the program:

5-writable * note * the program

* 6- * sound a note written by the program truly Karbrbh

(7) has two ordinary performances by the program is executed, and execution of the same notes as training runs

8. Ability to change the playback speed (which makes learning easier)

8. The ability to save notes written

9-16 written note that, by default, the program is ready Vazdrvn application notes available from the system and is run

To learn how notation can refer to the Help section within the app.

* I hope you liked it to come *

* If welcome loved ones from this program in the near future will add to the capabilities of the software. *

User Reviews - 124 Rates
3.8 from 5
من هم نسخه طلائی خریدم گوشیم خراب برنامه پرید برای نصب دوباره باز پول میخاد؟؟!!
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این صدای واقعی سنتور نیست این فقط واسه بچه کوچولو هاس که نمیدونن سنتور چیه🙄