

Version 2.0
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Category Travel & Local
Size 5 MB
Last Update 2021 April 7


Behnam Sadeghyani
Version 2.0
Install +5 K
Category Travel & Local
Size 5 MB
Last Update 2021 April 7
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Travel and emigration have always been an integral part of human life; sometimes, in order to study and sometimes to work and earn revenue, we close our door and seek better life in another city. A new cultural experience and a growing circle of friends will greatly help personal growth. In the meantime, it's important to live in housing and where you live, and in some cases due to the uncertain length of stay and the high cost of renting a home, you have to think differently. The dormitories and the PAs are a great option for these situations, and if you find the right dormitory near your work or study and provide you with the right amenities, you can have a good experience of this new style of life.
 But it's hard to find a decent dorm, and it's not possible to get the desired result from the traditional way and the use of newspaper needs that do not provide much information about the dormitory you are looking for.
Fortunately, in this work, technology has come to our aid, and you can access the list of male dormitories, dormitories and dormitories by visiting the site and compare and compare the accommodation with different categories and filters. .

Facilities available to dormitory applicants:

1. Ability to search by location and display hostels around the user on the map based on the current position of the user
2. Search by filters of the accommodation facility, gender and type of dormitory
3. Professional interface and display all dorm information
4. Show the top hostel each week automatically based on the number of users viewed, search rates, accommodation facilities
5. Professional Support Team 24 Hours
6. App with all the features of the website
7. Activities on all social networks

User Reviews - 38 Rates
1.6 from 5
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توی برنامه نمیشه ورود کرد خطا میزنه برنامه باز نمیشه متاسفانه. مجبورم ک برنامه حذف کنم خداحافظ.
چطوره که با وجودی که اینهمه کاربر نوشته که وارد نمیشه و خطای عدم اتصال اینترنت میده،همچنان رفع اشکال نمیکنید..برا منم خطای اتصال میده
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