Bardaskan App

Bardaskan App

Version 10.0.0
Install +100
Category Tools
Size 58 MB
Last Update 2024 June 8
Bardaskan App

Bardaskan App

Version 10.0.0
Install +100
Category Tools
Size 58 MB
Last Update 2024 June 8
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More Info

Introducing the Application

Bardaskan super application was created with the aim of providing all citizen services of the city of Bardaskan through a single portal. By installing the Bardaskan application, you can use various city services. Some of these services are as follows:

Inquiry of property and car taxes: You can get your property or car taxes by entering the user account section and the comprehensive system of the municipality.

Purchase charge and pay bills: You can pay your bills and prepare all kinds of charges through the payment services section.

Communication with the mayor and municipal departments: Using the Bardaskan application, you can share your opinions, criticisms and any problems that exist in the city with the municipality.

City map, 3D elements and tourist guide: using these tools, you can get to know Bardaskan better and experience a better stay if you are a traveler.

General store: With the help of the general store, any big or small store in Bardaskan can have a site to sell their products.

And several other possibilities...

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5 from 5
عابد انصاری
عابد انصاری
احسنت جالب و جامع هست دمت گرم مهندس مدیح شهردار پر تلاش بردسکن
محمد ابراهیمی
محمد ابراهیمی
درود فراوان به آقای مدیح و دست اندر کاران پر تلاش شهرستان بردسکن
کاربر بی‌نام
کاربر بی‌نام