In the end, there will be a gaint like fat pusher for the count master to destroy it and get hair challenge for your crowd. You can ready makeover run with hair challenge body runner in this amazing year best game in 2021. Collect hair all the way, rush to the end, unlock longer hair and win more rewards. The more you join the clash in the crowd challenge the more you get count master in the last in the war.
Your hair is smashed running for the join high heel and protect your crowd in the muscle race 3d. Be smart and take a fast shortcut run to a fat body race to outplay your opponents. Collect the hair of the same color, increase the length of your hair, avoid scissors and hair of other colors. The main challenge is to get fat 2 fit in the join body race to accept the hair challenge for the join clash muscle race 3d.
Download hair body dye runner rush race game. Collect bricks of your color, Collect your hair cut colored logs and place them on the hair challenge body runner of your choice. clash join run in the bridge race to accept the hair challenge for the muscle race 3d and muscle rush 3d. Just you need to keep going forward with a crowd in the bridge race.